233 High Holborn, London WC1V 7DN
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Teeth Grinding

We offer a highly effective and safe treatment for teeth grinding with the use of prescribed anti-wrinkle injections that is injected into the muscle to temporarily relax the muscle. This will significantly reduce the jaw clenching and teeth grinding movement and symptoms thereof, and prevent possible dental damage.

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Bruxism Treatment London

Teeth grinding, otherwise known as Bruxism, is a result of people clenching their jaw and grinding their teeth, either subconsciously during the day, or at night whilst asleep. Symptoms include facial pain and headaches, earache and stiffness in the jaw. With time, the force of the grinding can affect the teeth enamel.  

Teeth grinding is said to often have a direct link to stress and anxiety and with sleep disorders, but the exact cause of it remains unclear. Other factors that can likely contribute to teeth grinding include lifestyle factors such as caffeinated drinks, alcohol and smoking and certain medications. 

With symptoms such as stiffness in the jaw joints, it can lead to Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) which is a condition that affects jaw movement and can feel something like a ‘lock jaw’. It can also wear down the teeth with time, and potentially damage any fillings in the mouth. 

 Mouth guards are usually recommended and created by dentists who fit the guard to the patient’s teeth, to restrict the movement and prevent the teeth grinding from happening. This will also protect the teeth. However, some patients still experience a stiff jaw as a result.  

The most effective procedure is anti-wrinkle injectables that is injected into the masseter muscles, and will quickly and efficiently relax the muscle and prevent the movement from happening. Patients have advised that this provides huge relief as it can deeply affect one’s quality of life. 

Benefits of Teeth Grinding Treatment

  • All injectables are carried out by full trained Aesthetic practitioners. Anti-wrinkle injections are a technique-sensitive treatment that require a deep understanding and knowledge of facial anatomy and muscle movement. You can feel rest assured that you will be treated by licensed and highly skilled aesthetic professionals who are experienced in carrying out safe and effective anti wrinkle injections. 
  • Immediate relief of jaw tension symptoms and prevents teeth enamel damage as a result of bruxism 
  • A CQC approved and safe environment with strict hygiene and medical protocols
  • Targets the underlying cause by working to minimise muscle movement. The process yields temporary but noticeable results for the medical concern and aesthetically too, with the treated area appearing noticeably smoother and more defined.
  • Rapid results that are visible within 24 to 48 hours. The treatment lasts for 3-4 months however with continual use some patients may find the results last for up to 6 months or even longer, dependent on a variety of factors.
  • No downtime with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience a little redness, but this will go away within 15-20 minutes. It is perfectly normal for some patients to experience some bruising or a minor headache but this can be treatted with some pain relief medication. 
  • Treatment is quick and simple to carry out. 
  • A complimentary consultation will be carried out prior to having the treatment done to check your suitability for the treatment, and allow for our Aesthetic Nurse and Doctors to better understand your medical concern and provide a bespoke treatment plan for you. Post treatment, a complimentary aesthetic review is provided to monitor and assess your results.

Treatment at a Glance 

30 minutes 

1 treatment every 3-6  months as needed



Suitable For
Most Skin Types

Treatment Price
Starts from £240

Frequently Asked Questions

During the initial in depth consultation your Aesthetic Practitioner will discussed your concerns and determine what it is you’d like to achieve through the use of antiwrinkle injectables. The Practitioner will also review your medical history and answer any questions you may have, ensuring that you feel safe and comfortable to have the treatment. 

The following aftercare is recommended to improve the treatment results and to minimise side-effects from the treatment:

  • Avoid extreme facial expressions, alcohol consumption and applying make-up for up to 12 hours
  • Avoid extreme sun exposure, UV light, freezing temperatures and saunas for 2 weeks after treatment
  • Avoid additional treatments in the treated area for the next 7 days.
  • Avoid massaging the area or any facials on the skin

You will be able to go back to your normal activities straight after treatment, but your Aesthetic Practitioner may ask you to take the day off from exercise or other strenuous activity. Alcohol consumption should be avoided before and on the day of the treatment. Makeup can be applied after 2 hours. This is all to allow the injection site to close and avoid infection. Ice may be applied to the injected area to reduce swelling and discomfort.

It is important to add that while the risks associated with anti wrinkle injectables are minimal, you need to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment, as certain allergies, skin and neurological conditions, or medications can jeopardise your safety or results. 

Anti wrinkle injections, if administered correctly, are very safe procedures, there is however a very small risk of complications related to them. Common side effects of injectables include swelling, slight discomfort, bruising, lumpiness, or unevenness. 

  • Patients on medications that reduce or inhibit hepatic metabolism
  • (cimetidine, beta-blockers), steroids, aspirin or anticoagulant
  • Pregnant or breast feeding patients
  • Patients suffering from auto-immune disease or disease affecting the immune system, acute rheumatic fever or recurrent sore throat, history of herpes simplex (cold sores) or other skin infections, untreated epilepsy, hypertrophic scarring, porphyria or cardiac conduction disorders?
  • Patients who have had laser resurfacing or skin peel in the last 6 weeks
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